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The "SHRED SHED" is Lauter Haus Brewing Co.'s NEW stage.  "SHRED SHED" seemed like the best name for the stage since Lauter Haus is literally in a 10,000sq ft shed with everything needed to make our concerts sound and look beautiful. In 2019 when Lauter Haus opened it's doors there was a small plan to have a few concerts a year. After Covid we decided that Farmington needed a venue so we did a little pivot. We started booking bands that were looking to get back out there after Covid. LHBC went from a homemade pallet stage to a riser stage and now in the Summer of '23 we are debuting our SHRED SHED stage, a 20'x16' stage with 3 collapsible risers for every bands needs. So come see the SHRED SHED Farmington's premier venue. You wont be disappointed.  

Interested in booking the SHRED SHED? Email: